Saturday, February 29, 2020

Should you run in cold weather? Yes! | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Cold weather during winter months may
keep many people from leaving home and
running in the open air. However, a VOA
News reports that the drop in temperature
is a good reason to run. In fact, researchers
say, running in cold weather helps improve
one’s performance.

Many people say running in the winter can
be difficult. Two reasons are the low
temperatures and bitter winds. Yet many
runners might find it easier than running in
hot weather.

That could be because lower temperatures
reduce stress on the body. When you run in
cold weather, your heart rate and the
body’s dehydration levels are lower than in
warmer conditions. The body needs less
water on a cold day than in warm weather.

Many people, especially new runners,
believe that running in cold weather is
harmful. This is simply not the case for
healthy individuals. Some people even think
that the lungs can actually freeze -- again,
not possible, even in the coldest places on
the planet. When a person takes a breath,
the nose, mouth and throat warm the
entering air, so that by the time it reaches
the lungs, it has warmed to near body

Several websites note that the most
important thing for people who run in cold
conditions is to wear the right clothing.
Keeping as dry as possible is most
important when exercising in low
temperatures. Wear mittens on your hands
instead of gloves. Wear shoes that will keep
you from falling. And especially, wear more
than one layer of clothing to keep sweat
away from your skin.

So, if you are a runner, don’t let winter
weather keep you indoors. Simply get ready
for the low temperatures and start running.

For more tips about running in cold
weather, click here.

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

P.S. Here's a joke for you!
What do runners do when they forget something? 
They jog their memory!

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Just desserts | E-Neighborhood Advisor

In 1856, at Boston’s Parker House Hotel,
French chef Monsieur Augustine Francois
Anezin created the Boston cream pie. In
1996, Massachusetts declared the Boston
cream pie as their official dessert. The
traditional Boston cream pie is a yellow
cake filled with custard or cream and
topped with chocolate glaze. Although it is
called a Boston cream pie, it is in fact a
cake, and not a pie. The dessert acquired
its name when cakes and pies were cooked
in the same pans, and the words were used

While not every state has an official state
dessert, they all have treats they are known
for. Some make sense, like saltwater taffy
in New Jersey, cheesecake in New York
and Mississippi mud pie in, well,
Mississippi. Some are more of a
headscratcher. Utah does have an official
state dessert and it is jell-o. That probably
doesn’t boost their tourist trade.

Missouri’s official state dessert is the ice
cream cone, but gooey butter cake is the
confection that shows up on the “best of”
lists. This fabulous treat starts with a layer
of thick, buttery yellow cake baked with a
gooey filling of cream cheese, powdered
sugar, and eggs.

Nebraska’s notable dessert, the popcorn
ball, has the most fantastic origin story.
Nebraska is the country’s leading popcorn
producer, growing about one-quarter of our
national supply. Per Slate magazine,
popcorn balls were invented during a day of
wonky Nebraska weather: First heavy rains
sent syrup flowing from sorghum grass into
the cornfields, then extreme heat caused
the corn to pop, and finally a tornado swept
the sugar-coated popcorn into clusters.

Take a look at these lists and see what
sweet treat your home state is known for,
and use them to plan a trip to your next
delicious destination.

United Sweets Of America Map

Best Desserts In The Country

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

P.S. Here's a joke for you!
Why did the pie go to a dentist? 
Because he needed a filling!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Getting the garden started | E-Neighborhood Advisor

In February, we often see the first promise
of spring. Bulbs start popping up, the days
are getting longer and we start thinking
about our gardens. Now is the time to set
yourself up for your best growing season

February is all about prep. If the ground
isn’t frozen, you can begin to get your beds
ready. Dig up all remaining weeds and get
the soil ready for sowing. It’s also a great
time to check over your tools and
equipment so that everything is in good
working order come spring.

Thompson Morgan says pruning and tidying
are the most important tasks for the flower
garden in February:
 Prune wisteria now, cutting back
summer side-shoots to 2 or 3 buds.
 Cut back shrubs down to their bases.
 Prune summer-flowering clematis
towards the end of the month, before
active growth begins.
 Cut back the old foliage from
ornamental grasses before growth
begins. Clip them to within a few
centimeters of the ground.
 Prune overwintered fuchsias back to
one or two buds on each shoot.
 Prune winter-flowering shrubs once
their colorful display has finished.
 Remove faded flowers from winter
pansies to stop them setting seed.
This will encourage a flush of new
flowers when the weather warms up.

In Florida and other frost-free regions,
summer bulbs such as crinum, agapanthus,
dahlia, gloriosa, gladiolus, and canna can
be planted now. Site them where they will
receive at least 6 to 8 hours of direct
sunlight a day. Their only other requirement
is well-drained soil that doesn’t remain wet
and soggy after heavy rains. Mulch the
bulbs to protect them from an unexpected
cold snap and to minimize weeds. Enjoy
bulb flowers weeks earlier by purchasing
pre-sprouted plants at your local garden
center. Bulbs are a snap to grow, but some
take a while to break dormancy, so potted
plants will jumpstart the color show.

If it’s too cold to garden outdoors in
February, why not make a terrarium? Costa
Farms suggests looking for clear-glass
containers that have a lid or stopper that
will help maintain a humid atmosphere
around your plants. For plants such as
succulents that prefer a drier climate, select
a large, open-mouthed container. Then,
look for plants that remain compact. Good
choices for a moist environment include
pilea, peperomia, ivy, artillery fern, button
fern, baby tears and creeping fig. For an
open container try cactus, succulents,
hens-and-chicks, jade plant, hoya and 

And don’t forget to feed the birds in
February. By late winter many natural food
sources for local birds will begin to thin out.
It’s important to keep your bird feeders fully
stocked until spring. Offer a variety of foods
to attract the widest selection of bird
species. Black oil sunflowers, for example,
draw cardinals, blue jays, juncos, and a
host of other species. Beef suet is ideal for
woodpeckers, mockingbirds, and
nuthatches. And Nyjer seed is a finch
favorite. Also, include a diverse selection of
feeders such as tube, hopper, and platform
to accommodate the feeding habits of
different bird species. During winter you can
often attract more songbirds to fresh water
than you can to food. Use a heater to keep
the water in your birdbath from freezing and
add fresh water every few days.
Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

P.S. Here's a joke for you!
What did the flower say after he told a joke?
I was just pollen your leg!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Coloring: it’s not just for kids | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Coloring isn’t just for kids. It relaxes the fear
center of your brain, the amygdala, and
induces the same state as meditating by
reducing the thoughts of a restless mind.
This generates mindfulness and quietness,
which allows your mind to get some rest
after a long day at work.

The adult coloring book trend has spread
nationwide, with some books popping up on
bestseller lists. With the countless health
benefits of coloring for adults, it might be
time to pull out the crayons, colored pencils
and markers!

In addition to reducing stress and anxiety,
Beaumont Health cites the following
benefits of coloring:

Improved motor skills and vision
Coloring goes beyond being a fun activity
for relaxation. It requires the two
hemispheres of the brain to communicate.
While logic helps us stay inside the lines,
choosing colors generates a creative
thought process.

Improved sleep
We know we get a better night’s sleep
when avoiding engaging with electronics at
night, because exposure to the emitted light
reduces your levels of the sleep hormone,
melatonin. Coloring is a relaxing and
electronic-free bedtime ritual that won’t
disturb your level of melatonin.

Improved focus
Coloring requires you to focus, but not so
much that it’s stressful. It opens up your
frontal lobe, which controls organizing and
problem solving, and allows you to put
everything else aside and live in the
moment, generating focus.

You don’t have to be an expert artist to
color! If you’re looking for an uplifting way to
unwind after a stressful day at work,
coloring will surely do the trick. And you’ll
have something pretty to hang on the

2019 per New York magazine. Start

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

P.S. Here's a joke for you!
What kind of berry has a coloring book? 
A crayon-berry.! 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Welcome to February 2020 | Capell Flooring and Interiors

Dear friends,

Welcome to February’s Issue of the Neighborhood Advisor!

As it’s the month of love, we’ve got a variety of exciting articles, trivia and
puzzles made especially for you.

Valentine’s Day has truly evolved over the years. It was a day that was once a
celebration for lovers and that special someone; and for those who are single it
was a bit of a “whatever day” because frankly we couldn’t care less. The great
news is Valentines Day doesn’t have to be about romantic love. We see a rise of
Valentines Day being celebrated with friends. For instance, Valentine’s Day is a
celebration of a platonic friendship among women and is becoming more and
more popular. We even find Valentines Day being celebrated among family

We’re happy with this shift but let’s not reserve one day to show love to our
friends, family, or that special loved one. As a business we’d like to extend a
Happy Valentine’s Day to all our friends we look forward to showing love to your
homes and every single one of you that walk through our doors.

Your friend,

Matt Capell