Saturday, December 12, 2015

Vitamins - Capell Flooring and Interiors

We all know about vitamins, but often forget which does what and where they come from.  Here’s a simple list to help you keep them straight.
Vitamin A
Good for:  vision, skin, bones, cell growth and immune system
Found in:  colorful fruits and vegetables like carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, sweet red peppers, mangoes
 and dried apricots; also found in liver, tuna and whole milk.
Deficiency:  night blindness, compromised immune system (vitamin A deficiency is unusual in developed countries)
Vitamin B
A spectrum of vitamins including thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, B-6 and B-12
Good for:  formation of red blood cells, deriving energy from food
Found in:  fish, poultry, meat, eggs, dairy, whole grain breads & cereals
Deficiency:  anemia, skin problems
Vitamin C
Good for:  maintains immune function, benefits many bodily systems
Found in:  fresh vegetables and fruit, especially citrus fruit
Deficiency:  gingivitis, impaired healing, scurvy
Vitamin D
The “sunshine” vitamin
Good for:  bones, teeth
Found in:  fish & fish oil, egg yolk, beef liver, cheese; made by your body when your skin is exposed to sunlight
Deficiency:  rickets, bone pain, muscle weakness
Vitamin E
Good for:  antioxidant, protects against heart disease and age-related eye disorders
Found in:  spinach, almond, avocado, squash & pumpkin, broccoli, olive oil, sunflower seeds, eggs, nuts
Deficiency:  hemolytic anemia (unusual in developed countries)
Vitamin K
Good for:  blood clotting, protein modification
Found in:  dried thyme, basil & parsley, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, olive oil
Deficiency:  raises the risk of excessive bleeding,
But if some is good, more is not necessarily better; taking extra amounts of A or E can lead to overdose, and some like K can produce dangerous drug interactions.  So before taking supplements, make sure to clear it with your doctor. 
A healthy diet and sensible sun exposure should fill most if not all of your dietary requirements.  

     Your friend,
     Matt Capell – Owner Capell Flooring and Interiors
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