Saturday, October 8, 2022

50 More Ways to Slightly Improve Your Life | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Like the last list, I don't necessarily agree with all of the previous ideas, but there is definitely some good food for thought. I hope you are enjoying your Saturday, and here the list goes: 1. If something in the world is making you angry, write (politely) to your elected officials – they will read it. 2. Say hello to your neighbors. (Or wave to them too) 3. Learn the basics of repairing your clothes. 4. Always bring something – dessert, flowers – to a dinner/birthday party, even if they say not to. 5. Learn the names of 10 trees. 6. Call an old friend out of the blue. 7. Every so often, search your email for the word "unsubscribe" and then use it on as many as you can. (Except this email, of course ;) ) 8. Buy a newspaper. 9. Always have dessert. 10. Drop your shoulders. 11. Make something from scratch. It works best if you normally buy something, such as a dress or a bag. 12. Go to bed earlier – but don't take your phone with you. 13. Volunteer... 14. Dry your cutlery with a cloth (it keeps it shiny). 15. Instead of buying a morning coffee, set aside $2 and forget about it. Use it to treat yourself to something different later. 16. Don't save things for the "best." Wear them – enjoy them. 17. Sing! 18. Think about your posture: don't slouch, and don't cross your legs. 19. Hang your clothes up on non-wire hangers (it's better for them). 20. Go swimming with friends. 21. Switch your phone off on holiday (or at least delete your work email app). 22. Always use freshly ground pepper. 23. Thank a teacher who changed your life. 24. Respect your youngers. (I would say respect everyone too) 25. Keep your keys in the same place.
26. Ditch the plastic cartons and find a milkman. 27. Rent rather than buy a suit/dress for that forthcoming wedding (even if it's your own). 28. Always book an extra day off after a holiday. 29. Ignore the algorithm – listen to music outside your usual taste. 30. Mute or leave a WhatsApp group chat. 31. Learn a TikTok dance (but don't post it on TikTok). 32. Cook something you've never attempted before. 33. Join a local litter-picking group. 34. Handwash that thing you've never cleaned. 35. Don't get a pet/do get a pet. 36. Nap. 37. Learn how to breathe deeply: in through the nose, out through the mouth, making the exhale longer than the inhale. 38. Buy a bike and use it. Learn how to fix it, too. 39. Politely decline invitations if you don't want to go. 40. If you do go, have an exit strategy (can we recommend a French exit, where you slip out unseen). 41. If in doubt, add cheese. 42. Don't look at your phone at dinner. 43. Do that one thing you've been putting off. (That sounds like a fortune cookie) 44. Give compliments widely and freely. 45. Set up an affordable standing donation to a charity. 46. Keep a book in your bag to avoid the temptation to doomscroll. 47. Listen to the albums you loved as a teenager. 48. Make a friend from a different generation. 49. Staying over at a friend's place? Strip the bed in the morning. 50. For instant cheer, wear yellow. Did you try any of the 50 suggestions last month? I'm still working on some, I need to do some of these too. I'm always up for an experiment and working on being a better person than I was the day before. Have a wonderful Saturday! Your Flooring Consultant, Matt Capell Email: Phone (208) 288-0151 P.S. Here is joke for you! There are two kinds of people. Some wash their dishes because they just ate; the others wash their dishes because they are just about to eat.

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