Saturday, September 7, 2019

Anything you need to know | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Did you know that the world’s largest search engine – Google – actually owns the second largest search engine? (That may not be the case for long since many people see way too much power in this one company, but as I’m writing this today, this is where we stand.) While you might not think of it this way, YouTube is actually the second largest search engine. It's also a great (and often overlooked) resource to learn, discover and improve upon skills you already have.

Keeping with our theme of 'Reliable news for healthy living, saving money, and having fun,' we provide some useful resources below. But first, know that we have no affiliation with the YouTube channels provided. These individuals simply offer great tips.

On Clean My Space, Melissa Maker focuses on helping you love your space even more! On her channel, she shows you how to create the ideal environment through decluttering, cleaning better and doing more in the least amount of time. You may find ideas and tips that you've not seen anywhere else in the areas of DeclutteringFolding, and
Kitchen Cleaning.

There are many Great Home Ideas on a channel of the same name from Australia. It provides videos on DIY, food, garden, lifestyle, how-tos, pet, and home makeover ideas and hacks. 

If you enjoy arts and crafts, search for any media that you choose – paint, yarn, clay, etc. – and you will find tons of videos with tips and techniques.

Similarly, for help with tech tips on new phones, computers, applications, software, social media platforms and more, you can find great information when you search on YouTube.

Whatever topic, skill, language, or business lessons that you want to learn, you can find a video to help. Plus, there are many fun options too.

And, if you've ever wondered who the most popular YouTube stars are, a quick search of Google will help.

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Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell

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