Saturday, November 27, 2021

Four really small things that say a lot about you | E-Neighborhood Advisor


Ever been asked to say a few things about yourself? Perhaps you said you’re a good communicator, attentive to details, or a team player. The point being, we all define ourselves in a certain way.

Here’s the paradox, though; It’s not what you say that is an accurate representation of who you are, but rather what you show yourself to be. That’s how people judge you. They respond to the image you project. Leah Njoki in Your Tango tells us it’s critical to focus on what you do rather than what you say.

1. How you keep time.
There’s a lot to be said about people who don’t keep time. It screams inefficiency, unreliability, and disorganization. A person who is always late doesn’t do a very good job of managing their responsibilities and their overall lives.

Failing to keep time is terrible, but it’s worse when other people are involved. You see, when you’re consistently late for meetings, it shows you don’t respect others. Because you put your needs before them, steal their time, and disturb their experience.

It might seem like a small act, but it signals self-respect, discipline, and integrity. When you’re tardy, though? Sadly, no one will want to hang around you because you can’t be trusted to keep your word. Being late is essentially breaking a promise.

If you want to keep time and avoid the overwhelm that comes from rushing all the time, overestimate the time required to arrive at a meeting. For example, leave home 15 minutes earlier.
2. How you engage in a conversation.
A conversation is the most basic way of human interaction — one that speaks volumes about us. Here’s why; when you talk to someone, they pick up on your tone of voice and the contents of the conversation. And whatever they pick up on makes them know who you really are.

But there’s one vital element of conversations we normally overlook — asking questions. Asking questions can improve the quality and engagement of your discussions in a big way.

This means you should ask more questions. Often you think you’ll come across as being offensive but in fact, if you want the other person to be relaxed and to open up more, ask more questions.

Be genuinely present, give them your full undivided attention. Put away your phone, don’t yawn or get distracted.

3. How you dress.
The fashion industry is worth about 1.5 trillion dollars for a reason. Let’s face it; humans are visual. Why do you think the hype around designer outfits, make-over shows, and online shopping never seem to fizzle? Some may argue this is vain but dressing well can influence your social standing significantly.

This is clearly evidenced by a study conducted by a team in the UK and Turkey. Upon completion, two things became apparent: A) Your clothes create your impressions, and B) your clothes can make a massive difference to what people think about you — even without knowing you.

Although the study was conducted on male clothing, it’s relevant across all genders. The outcome is clear, one of the best ways to make an impression – good or bad – is with the clothing you choose to wear. There are tons of websites dedicated to this, so if you’re wanting to change the impression you make, google the style of clothing that will best give off the desired impression.

A benefit of immaculate dressing with classic style is that it speaks well of your character. By the image you present, your personality shines through and draws people to you, which in turn ignites a spark of self-esteem and gives you incredible confidence.

4. How you improve yourself.
If your classmates from elementary school met you today, what would they say? Would your current self surprise them? Or would you be exactly how they knew you? The truth is, school pushes us to be better, to aim higher and demands more from us.

But when we’re done riding that wave, most people lay down their tools and call it a day. They stop developing, growing, and challenging themselves for a higher and better life.
The underlying message behind improving yourself says you hold yourself in high regard, you expect more from yourself, and are excited about your life. How awesome is that? This is why you must never stop improving yourself.

Changing these little things takes time because habits become ingrained in you from an early age. All you need is to make small changes, and over time, the compound effect will transform you.

But no matter how long it takes, it’s worth it. When you’re intentional about the image you project to others, it can have a significant impact on your own life.
Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151

P.S. Here's a joke for you!
What's soft and slippery? 
A slipper.

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