Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Benefits of Artistic Influence in a Room | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Did you know that where you live has a major impact on your mood? This is why our home décor is so important.

Most interior designers agree that wall art is one of the most cost-effective ways to create ambiance in any room. As new technology evolves from the internet to digital photography, your choices are vast and potentially just a click or two away. Your art becomes the focal point in the overall success of a room design.

Here’s what to consider when choosing your focal point.

One Piece
Rather than focusing on style, choose a piece of art that you truly like, one you know will provide gratification for years to come. Art is a reflection of you and it sets the mood of your room.

If your room already contains furnishings, consider a couple of the bolder colors already in the room that you want to find in the artwork. The color is also an important element in your design if you are choosing the painting first.

Know your room measurements and the size of the wall where your artwork will hang. If the artwork is too big, it can overwhelm a room, and if it’s too small, it will look lost. Try to envision the art piece on your wall and in the context of your room. You may also consider a few related smaller pieces nearby rather than one larger piece on a wall.

Pro Tip: Use painter’s tape to outline where you want your artwork to go on the wall, this will help you see if the size is right for your room.

The style of your furnishings should also be considered. In a more modern décor setting, unframed art may create a better effect than traditional framing; whereas ornate frames suit more classic or victorian-style rooms.

Artistic Style
Wall art is available in a variety of styles, including paint, photographic, and dimensional using wood, canvas, metal, glass, and more. Take advantage of these styles to enhance your desired décor in the room.

Ultimately, decide what works best for you and your space. Happy Decorating!

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

Saturday, June 22, 2019

3 Ways To Lower Your Bills | E-Neighborhood Advisor

There are lots of ways to save money, no matter how much of it you have – or don’t have!
Having struggled for many years paying my own bills, I learned many ways to save money. From simple things like food, gas, and clothing, to bigger expenses, like insurance and your mortgage.

All you need to know is where to look to find the savings.

1. Eliminate ALL of your unnecessary expenses:
o Eating out on the weekends
o Buying lunch at work every day
o Magazine and newspaper subscriptions (especially those you can get online and at the local library)
o Cable TV subscription streaming services (you’d be amazed at how many other ways you’ll find to spend your time once you get rid of the endless sitcoms & movies)
o Paid music services like Spotify & Pandora, even these small expenses add up!
o Groceries (you can save lots of money with coupons and specials.)

It’s OK to reward yourself once in a while, but if you are really looking to get out of debt faster, you owe it to yourself to save every single penny you can!

To find other ways to reduce your expenses, take a close look at your checkbook and credit card statements.

2. Call your credit card companies to see if they will lower your interest rates, even if it is only for a short time.

3. Shop Around For The Lowest Prices

For those expenses you can’t eliminate, it’s time to start shopping around for the best prices.
Once I realized you can shop around for just about ANYTHING you spend money on every month, I learned how to save myself SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS each and every month! In fact, by shopping around I ended up saving myself more than $750 a year on car insurance alone!

The same is true of many of your monthly expenses – cell service, internet service, all types of insurance, mortgages, and in some places even your utility bills.

It DOESN’T take any special skills. All it takes is a few clicks and you can save yourself a bunch of money in no time at all! So, start shopping around and looking for ways to lower your monthly bills right away!

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

Saturday, June 15, 2019

I Don’t Have a Green Thumb | E-Neighborhood Advisor

There’s nothing zestier than the taste of vegetables and herbs fresh from the garden, yet many people think it’s an arcane science. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that although some plants are a bit trickier to grow, most are as simple as could be.

If you have even a tiny yard that’s suitable, you can grow quite a lot. Condo or apartment? If you face anything but north, try window boxes.

The easiest plants to grow, and those that require the least amount of space are: radishes, peppers, onions, chives, lettuce, spinach, basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, rosemary and sage.

If you have a little more room try tomatoes, swiss chard, all types of beans, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, carrots, beets, potatoes and dill.

The instructions are simple: use reasonably well cultivated soil (not solid clay or sand), plant the seeds about 2-3 times their own size deep, and water periodically. Don’t over soak, it doesn’t need to be mud.

Then wait: most plants take a week to 10 days to show themselves, so don’t lose faith. At the end of it all you’ll gain some tasty produce and a new role for yourself: expert gardener!

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Do you have a vacation coming up? | E-Neighborhood Advisor

So many of us are ramping up to go on summer vacation soon. It’s been a long haul from last year and vacation means R&R, excitement, and a break from daily routine.

The safety and security of our home while away further enhances the holiday experience by providing peace of mind. Here are some things to consider to ensure that happens.

Keep it Offline.

Criminally-minded people are always on the lookout for opportunity. That’s why it’s vital not to advertise that you’ll be away or share photos and experiences while you are away on social media. Do not let the world know your home will be empty for X number of days. Instead, save those photos and stories for when you return home. That way there is minimal opportunity to take advantage of your home and belongings while you are away.

Ask a friend.

Arranging to have someone stop by your home to water the plants and care for pets is vital. They can bring in the mail and newspapers or you can temporarily stop delivery of items regularly received while you’re away.

Check the lights.

Think about the regular pattern of nighttime lights – when you’re awake and when you go to bed. Consider investing in timers to plug your lamps into and set them to match your typical day.

Remember the yard.

If you have a landscaping service, this area is already taken care of, but if you are your own landscaper, look into hiring a trusted friend or neighborhood teen to cut the grass and keep the yard clean while you’re away. This, along with keeping the mail and papers off the stoop, ensure your house looks occupied.

Ultimately, the less people knowing you’re away the better and the more your home reflects your daily living pattern while away the better.

I hope you enjoy your vacation, whenever that might be.

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Welcome to June 2019 | Capell Flooring and Interiors

Hello friends,

Welcome to the June edition of the Neighborhood Advisor! Here’s hoping that you’re ready to get into some summer fun, whether that means spending time in the water, planning some backyard barbeques, or getting out of town for a family vacation (or maybe all three).

But as nice as it is to be getting outside, that can also mean more things are getting inside – things like dirt, grass, and pool water. And if your flooring is not designed to handle that level of traffic, or is starting to show its age, a single summer can do a lot of damage. That’s why at Capell Flooring and Interiors, we conduct a full Design Audit where we talk to every client about their needs and the level of traffic the area sees before we make a recommendation on flooring. We want to make sure that whatever you choose for your home, from an attractive and easy-to-care-for vinyl to a plush carpeting, you’re going to be happy for years to come.

Thank you once again for spending a bit of your summer with our newsletter. We hope you find an article, trivia contest, or puzzle you love, and we can’t wait to see you in the store sometime soon.

You friend,

Matt Capell