Saturday, September 28, 2019

Good Neighbor Day | E-Neighborhood Advisor

There are many communities where people don't know their neighbors. Familiarity exists among neighbors based on who gets seen most often, but there is very little or no interaction. Good relationships between neighbors can have a positive affect. If you have a real connection with your neighbor, then you know what I mean.

Ever wonder what is considered good neighbor etiquette?

No, it's not Adele's song. Acknowledge your neighbor when outside with a wave. Say “Hello.” It lets them know you're friendly.

If you've got music on, or you're in the backyard, be aware of the noise level coming from your property and how it could be impacting your neighbors. That includes the family dog. If you hear them repeatedly barking in the backyard, guess who else hears?

Simply, keeping the grass cut, yard maintained, and the garage door closed keeps the ambiance and value of the neighborhood.

Neighborhood streets are not a racetrack or freeway. Enter with ease and low-level stereo base so the neighborhood doesn't vibrate.

Enjoy Good Neighbor Day on September 28th

Of course these are ideas for daily living. What can you do to be a good neighbor on Good Neighbor Day?

Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell

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