Saturday, June 15, 2019

I Don’t Have a Green Thumb | E-Neighborhood Advisor

There’s nothing zestier than the taste of vegetables and herbs fresh from the garden, yet many people think it’s an arcane science. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that although some plants are a bit trickier to grow, most are as simple as could be.

If you have even a tiny yard that’s suitable, you can grow quite a lot. Condo or apartment? If you face anything but north, try window boxes.

The easiest plants to grow, and those that require the least amount of space are: radishes, peppers, onions, chives, lettuce, spinach, basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, rosemary and sage.

If you have a little more room try tomatoes, swiss chard, all types of beans, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, carrots, beets, potatoes and dill.

The instructions are simple: use reasonably well cultivated soil (not solid clay or sand), plant the seeds about 2-3 times their own size deep, and water periodically. Don’t over soak, it doesn’t need to be mud.

Then wait: most plants take a week to 10 days to show themselves, so don’t lose faith. At the end of it all you’ll gain some tasty produce and a new role for yourself: expert gardener!

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

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