Monday, April 15, 2019

Getting a more restful night sleep from a book? | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Is your bedtime routine something you look forward to or do you just stop and plunk into bed because the clock indicates it's time? A nightly routine can improve your quality of sleep, and the addition of reading before bed enhances that value.

By getting into your pajamas, brushing your teeth, and sliding into bed to read a good book by your favorite author, it allows the brain to relax away from pressures of the day. It also helps separate you from any stresses that would otherwise keep your mind reeling and prevent you from falling asleep.

Technology free book reading has been recognized to benefit those suffering from depression and anxiety. While reading is not a complete form of treatment, doctors in Britain prescribe it to patients with mild to moderate depression and anxiety and many patients report an alleviation from their symptoms.

Plus, reading can improve overall vocabulary, knowledge levels, and how our brains works. Reading can make us smarter! 

It's important to note that the benefits of reading before bed can get hindered by what you read. Avoid business related content, magazines, and news. Those can add to existing stress and stimulate the mind to keep going. Instead, keep the reading material before bed light and low intensity.

Be it a book of fiction or autobiography of your favorite celebrity, try a bedtime reading routine. A good place to start is to challenge yourself to read for 15 to 30 minutes before bed every night for 21 days and see what happens to the quality of your sleep.

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

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