Monday, March 25, 2019

Create Mountains the KonMari Way | E-Neighborhood Advisor

Have you heard about the KonMari Method of tidying? It was created by Marie Kondo, a petite, joy-filled Japanese woman who has loved messes since she was a little girl. You may have heard of her new hit Netflix series, Tidying Up.

Imagine beginning by taking all your clothes out of every drawer and closet and putting them in a mountainous pile on top of your bed. That’s how the KonMarie Method begins.

Five categories are dealt with in a specific order. First, clothing. Next, books, paper, then Komono. That's the stuff from the kitchen, bathroom, garage, and everything miscellaneous. The final category is sentimental items.

By putting everything in piles, we are confronted with everything we have, Marie says, it’s then that we know what we must do.

It’s time to go through the piles and only keep what Sparks Joy. That’s a warm, positive feeling similar to how a pet lover feels holding a new puppy.  

After sorting, joy-sparking items are put away in a specific manner that makes them easy to find and lets you see what you have. Plus, clothing gets folded in a way that makes each item smaller, takes up less space and keeps everything visible when put away. Look at this video.

Marie makes it clear, "While you are tidying it may seem like things are more cluttered than before. By following the process step by step, there will always be an end to the tidying."

Learn more about Marie Kondo and her tidying method. Surrounding ourselves only with things that spark joy in a decluttered environment must be a good thing!

Your Flooring Consultant,

Matt Capell
Phone (208) 288-0151
Fax (208) 917-6160

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