Saturday, May 5, 2018

Our Bodies are Magnificent Machines

Our bodies are well-designed machines. They digest what we consume in the best way possible to keep the mind, skin, and internal organs as healthy as possible. A large portion of how well all of it works is directly connected to what we eat and drink.

Nutrition is the primary contributor to our health. Indeed, conditions like brain fog, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke can be directly connected to food and beverage choices. So often, we make choices based on convenience, flavor and pleasure, often with little thought about what the body needs. Our real needs are based on:

Protein: Needed to build muscles, provide strength to the immune system, build new tissues, repair damaged cells, and help with hormones and enzymes.

Carbohydrates: The primary source of energy. There are two types: simple carbohydrates, which are the quickest source of energy to the body, and complex carbohydrates, which take longer to break down and can therefore sustain energy needs for longer periods of time. Plus, they are often rich in fiber and high in vitamins and minerals.

Fats: Healthy fats contribute to blood pressure regulation, energy, and protection around vital organs. Fats can also protect us from external changes like temperature.

Vitamins: There are water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. These help the body grow, develop, and function properly, while regulating body systems. There are 13 essential vitamins - A, C, D, E, K, B vitamins (B6, B12, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, and pantothenic acid), folate, and biotin – and each performs specific tasks within the body.

Minerals: These regulate body processes and make tissues. Like vitamins, they aid in the proper operation of many systems in the body, including the immune system. Important minerals include Chloride, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Fluoride, Iron, and Iodine.

Water: This is an essential nutrient, because the human body is 70% water. Good hydration helps dissolve and carry essential vitamins and minerals to where they are needed most. It also regulates body temperature, removes waste, and nourishes the skin.

Superior, well-balanced nutrition with lean proteins along with fruits and vegetables in a kaleidoscope of colors – keeps the body healthy and in the best operating condition for as long as possible.

Here is an outline of the food that will get your body the vitamins and minerals it needs.

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