Saturday, April 21, 2018

Will it be Classic, Modern or Something in Between?

There’s a lot of talk that goes on this time of year about spring cleaning. And cleaning is wonderful – but renewal and brightening are also important parts of spring, and it’s about time we bring those ideas into our home in the springtime.

One big consideration is the art we add to our rooms. In fact, wall art is one of the most cost-effective ways to brighten a room, and it can even become the focal point in the overall success of the room design. Fortunately, there are endless choices available for every design preference and art style. When choosing art as a focal point in a room, here are some things to consider:

Powerful Pieces

Art can be an investment and a reflection of who you are. It also sets the mood of your room, so choose pieces that you truly love and that you know will provide the same gratification for years to come.


As you’re choosing your artwork, think about the space where the art will live. If you want your new artwork to complement your existing design scheme, then look for art that echoes some of the bolder colors in the space. If you choose the artwork before decorating (or re-decorating) the room, then pulling colors or themes from the artwork into the rest of the room will be an important aspect of your design.


Know your room measurements and the size of walls where artwork will hang. If artwork pieces are too big, they can overwhelm a room. If they’re too small, they’ll look lost. Balance can be achieved with a few related smaller pieces, rather than a single larger piece on a wall.

Furnishings and Accessories

Don’t forget to factor in the style of your furniture and accessories when choosing artwork for a room. In a more modern décor, unframed art may create a better effect than traditional framed pieces, whereas ornate frames are better suited to other room styles.

Artistic Style

Art is about what you love. It is available in a variety of styles and materials, including paint, photography, sculpture and more. Take advantage of these styles to enhance your desired décor in the room.

Happy decorating!

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